After 23 years, Dr Munir Datoo has stepped down from the LCW Board as an executive board member.
Munir was first elected as a Brent-elected LCW Council member in 1998 and then appointed as an LCW Executive Board member in 2005.
Alongside his dedication to LCW, Munir has achieved many personal accolades through his tireless voluntary work in the local North West London community and in his humanitarian work overseas.
Munir’s achievements have included the Presidency of Hujjat Stanmore (one of the largest Islamic centres in NW London) and the World-Federation Aid ( as well as receiving a Highly Commended Community award in the 2020 British Muslim Awards (right). Munir has also been instrumental in offering cultural guidance related to the Muslim faith.
As LCW Deputy Medical Director, Munir was influential in the development of our earlier clinical IT systems, remote working, and our first website. Munir also undertook the role of Safeguarding lead and was a member of the GP Performance panel.
Throughout his years at LCW, Munir has also worked regularly on the frontline.
We would like to thank Munir for all his hard work, support, and commitment to LCW since 1988. We are delighted he will remain a key LCW team member as he continues to work regular GP supervisory sessions.